The major cytokine which signals helper T cells to proliferate is Interleukin 2 (IL-2). This cytokine is released by helper T cells themselves and these cells also bear the receptors for IL-2. It is remarkable that to some extent, helper T cells themselves control their own proliferation rate. The more IL-2 they produce, more of it binds to their surface and the downstream signaling causes them to proliferate and produce more IL-2. I love Immunology. However, the purpose of writing the above lines was not to give a lesson on T cell biology. The power to drive our lives, lies within ourselves. May be not always, but often. (I should be saying all this to myself.) :) Next time I am feeling low, I will read my own blog for inspiration. I remember discussing with a friend about one of our common friends, " ABC is the person i turn to when i need some advice. He/She makes all my problems seem so small. But, when it comes to dealing with his/her own problems, he/she behaves impu...